Heritage Preservation

437 Somerset: A Storied History

437 Somerset:                        A Storied History

Some houses really seem to attract interesting occupants and owners-or is that interesting people are attracted to certain houses? Either way, some houses have had so many occupants with fascinating histories and adventures that it’s hard to imagine there isn’t something special or unusual going on in that respect. 437 Somerset is definitely one of these houses. It’s amazing that so many movers and shakers chose to live in the house at some point in the last 110 years. Read on to learn about these colourful characters!

Happy Holidays!

As 2022 comes to a close, we would like to thank you for following our blog!

We hope you have enjoyed the topics we covered in 2022 and that you learned something along the way.

We are always looking for new ideas so if you have any blog topic suggestions that relate to North Shore heritage buildings, landscapes or neighbourhoods, please leave us a comment here.

Enjoy these photos of some gorgeous North Shore heritage buildings taken in last year’s winter wonderland!

Lynn Valley General Store…Times Two!

When you look at this snowy scene of Lynn Valley, what do you see? I immediately recognize the “Fromme Block” which sits at the corner of Lynn Valley Road and Mountain Highway. I also see the tracks of the Lynn Valley streetcar that ended at what we now know as the “End of The Line” store. But what the heck is that house doing in the middle of the block? I had to go all the way back to 1908 to answer that question. And in so doing, I learned about the two iterations of the “Lynn Valley General Store”. So, join me as we turn back the clock to do a bit of time travelling to the early days of Lynn Valley.

Wish You Were Here (in Capilano, North Vancouver)

  Wish You Were Here                         (in Capilano,   North Vancouver)

Take a trip through time all the way up Capilano Road -from Marine Drive to Grouse Mountain- on a postcard tour of some of the area’s tourist destinations and amenities. Tourism around the Capilano River area began in 1889, with the first suspension bridge being stretched over the Canyon. Shortly after, people began visiting this area of North Vancouver and the stream of visitors has been steady for the last 130 years, with hotels, motels, restaurants, hiking trails, viewpoints and skiing among the many destinations that popped up to provide for tourists. Learn a little about each place’s history and whether or not it’s still somewhere people can visit, or if it only remains in people’s memories, photographs and postcards.

Spuraway Heritage Gem!

Jenny Morgan, one of our North Shore Heritage bloggers, and myself share more than a name. We also love old buildings, photography, gardening and on June 21, 2022, we both independently “discovered” Spuraway Gardens at 235 Keith Road in West Vancouver. We missed each other by a few hours but were both super excited to have found this Heritage Gem! Spuraway Gardens is a townhouse development in West Vancouver that was part of the 1960’s “Garden Apartment” urban development trend. But when the developers bought the property, it came with an even older piece of history – Spuraway Lodge, a 1911 log cabin with an impressive list of famous owners/local socialites, who contributed to the development of the North Shore and the lodge itself. If only those walls could talk!

The Legacy of Alfred Wallace

Alfred Wallace securely anchored North Vancouver’s shipbuilding industry when in 1906 he launched the Wallace Shipyards at the foot of Lonsdale.

“Snap Shots” into the Life of the Goldsmith-Jones Family

When Tom from Urban Repurpose made this post to the store’s Facebook page, it immediately piqued my interest as I know this house! It’s a gorgeous Arts and Craft house that features prominently on the East Keith streetscape. I rushed in to see the photo and learned that it was part of a “Snap Shots” photo book that had been donated to his non-profit store. I quickly realized it documented the personal life of the family who lived in that home. Tom very kindly agreed to donate this important historical document to the North Vancouver Archives where it could remain in the public domain. After some detective work, I determined that it had once belonged to Gwen, the daughter of the original owner of 368 East Keith, William Goldsmith-Jones. The story that this book tells is amazing as it documents the life of the Goldsmith-Jones family from the time William arrived in Canada in 1908, to when his own children were adults, all in one book! Who needs an i-Cloud?! The “Snap Shots” book features photos of their various homes (all still standing!), their family members, treasured pets, close friends, their favourite vacation spots, their leisure activities and their places of employment. Alone, these photos tell a story of a pioneering North Vancouver family who were an integral part of society in the early 20th century. But then I tracked down two grandchildren of William Goldsmith-Jones, Geoffrey and Leslie, who really brought Gwen’s “Snap Shots” book to life!

Tudor Revival Style of Architecture

Have you ever found yourself wandering the streets of your neighbourhood, admiring the homes, both old and new, only to wonder what style of architecture a certain home might be? Well, we at the North Shore Heritage Society are here to help! In the next part of our architecture series, we will be looking at the Tudor Revival style.

Doubly Spectacular Heritage Project

It all started with the January 7, 2020 North Shore News article “1908 Heritage Home Offered for Free”. The “Copper Cottage”, on the CNV Heritage Register, was slated for demolition but the developer had given it a last-minute reprieve, if North Shore Heritage could find someone to take it. Two years later, Tony Dean and Yvonne Perrault, have undertaken the most mammoth job of relocating, renovating, restoring not just the Copper Cottage but also the original 1920 house that sat at the back of their lot at 532 East 10th. The outcome is Doubly Spectacular, pun intended!!!