Time Travelling at the Shoe Repair Shop

When I walked into the Modern Shoe Renew store at 1732 Lonsdale to get my Birkenstocks resoled, my first thought was, this place looks like it walked out of the 1960’s! As it turns out, I was close!


One of the most prominent features in the store was the glass display case that contains museum-quality items;  an old shoe, a vintage camera. a compass, a CP Air luggage tag and a date stamp (you know, the kind you have to press into an ink pad first) and a box addressed to Superior Shoe Renu.


As I glanced around, I noticed that other items of interest were tucked away behind the front door. There was a bulletin board with an old- fashioned Bank of Nova Scotia calendar which had been diligently flipped to the correct date, probably the first thing that the current owner, Myung, does when he opens up the shop every day, just like the cobblers who came before him.


On the same wall, there were a couple of vintage advertising pieces – an ad for Blakey’s shoe protectors, still made in Leeds, UK to this day and another ad for the Cat’s Paw rubber heels made by Biltrite, the same company that provides service ticket tags that most fine cobblers still use today.


I snapped back to the 21st century when Myung, came from the back of the store to greet me. When I commented that the smell of the store - a combination of leather and shoe polish - reminded me of my youth (1960’s), he told me that his store was actually almost 75 years old. He told me that he arrived in Canada from Korea in 1988, and bought the store in 2004, acquiring much of the equipment and know-how from the previous owner. But he didn’t know much of the history before 2004.


Using the City Directories online and in person at the North Vancouver Archives, I found that indeed the store dates back to 1948 and was originally called George’s Shoe Repair. Sadly, I was not able to get any more details on “George”. By 1966, it was called Superior Shoe Renu and by 2000, it was Modern Shoe Renew.


To have a single line of business occupy the same commercial premises for 73 years is amazing, especially in this era of development. I encourage you to do an inventory of your shoes and take those in need of repair to Myung at 1723 Lonsdale. I make this suggestion for a couple of reasons. Firstly, I know Myung will appreciate your business but secondly, visiting this store is a blast from the past! Let us know if you spot any other archival gems if you visit! Oh, and he also sharpens knives!